Do you want to solve a problem collaboratively in your organization, community, conference or event, stimulate member or citizen participation in a playful way and create a moment of magical cooperation while developing solutions and ideas that everyone can get behind?
Then VOLL AUF DIE 12 could be just the thing for you:
A playful-collaborative talk show format to find solutions to local problems.
An astonishing method that makes people excited for democracy!
Stills from the FRIBIS activist conference on future, climate, basic income (Freiburg, 12-14 April 2024)
The idea
12 randomly selected people have 90 minutes to find a solution to a problem that concerns a majority. The solution of the 12 must be unanimous. In the end, the audience decides whether the solution counts.
You decide what happens if the 12 agree or not.
Meaning & Purpose
The format strengthens personal responsibility, community spirit and democracy and at best, solutions and ideas are born that everyone can get behind.
Do you want to book VOLL AUF DIE 12 as an event or find out more ?
Let me know.