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How often do you think:

«I know what to do,
but nobody asks me!”

Well, those days are over.
Die Show


12 votes. 90 minutes. 1 solution.

12 randomly selected people have 90 minutes to find a solution to a problem that concerns a majority in the room. The solution of the 12 must be unanimous. In the end, the audience decides whether the solution counts.

COMMON SENSE OF 12 is a format that fosters democracy in a playful and collaborative way, strengthens personal responsibility and a sense of community and, in the best case, produces solutions and ideas that everyone can get behind.

Would you like to book an event or find out more?

Then get in touch.



Democracy is a given for most people. Especially in Switzerland! It is easy to forget that this privilege was once hard fought for and is by no means set in stone! Especially not in times when one crisis follows another and many people feel powerless and ignored by politics.


Our democracy urgently needs a breath of fresh air . That is exactly what the format is. It creates a space in which everyone can have their say , rather than just selected experts. And it consciously focuses on finding solutions , rather than fighting each other with words.

Dein Input


Would you like to send us a problem* for the next show?
Do you have a question or input about the format?
Would you like to book the format as an event?
Or any other request?

Contact us using the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you!



* An example for a problem:

Waste explosion: How do we manage to reduce our waste production on a national, economic and private level?

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