Room large enough for 12 chairs in a circle and chairs around it if you want an audience.
12 writing pads & pens for the 12
A small table in the middle for the OWL recording device (see picture) .
The process is recorded in audio and video. This ensures valuable documentation of an appropriate quality so that you can evaluate the conversation later.
Flipchart or blackboard (or similar) & pens / chalk
Advance information to your “crowd” about when, where and how* the event will take place. (*You will get information about this from me)
Choice of problem
Either you decide one in advance.
Or you can call on your crowd to submit problems (via our homepage). From these, you select 3-5 problems, from which the majority of the audience on site selects the final problem.
Or we collect the problems spontaneously on site and the majority of the audience again chooses what the 12 should solve.
The 12 : Anyone who wants to be part of the 12 writes their name on a piece of paper on the spot. This goes into the FULL ON THE 12 bag and 12 names are drawn at random. Voilà.
Reward for the 12 if they can agree.
«Punishment» (e.g. volunteer work) if the 12 cannot agree or the audience does not accept the solution.
Thanks to well-thought-out rules, a clear focus and the power of the community, after just 90 minutes either creative ideas and everyday solutions are on the table. Or the 12 randomly selected participants have to do four hours of volunteer work for the common good, for example.
Either way:
VOLL AUF DIE 12 brings you and your crowd a big win with little effort!